
Device, principle of operation, measurements and range of action.

The principle of operation of an infrared heating panel is similar to how the Sun heats the Earth: a uniform radiant flow of infrared energy heats objects, surfaces and a person. Heated objects begin to heat the entire room (unlike convection heating, which increases the temperature of the air, which then heats the objects).

Heating panels emitting infrared energy work faster and more economically than convective ones. With convective heating, hot air rises up to the ceiling, resulting in an elevated temperature under the ceiling. And closer to the floor, in the area of a person's stay, it is lowered. When infrared panels are located in the zone of human presence, the temperature in this zone will be higher than under the ceiling. Therefore, energy is not spent on heating the air and it becomes possible to produce infrared panels with an installed electric power of no more than 350 watts, which is more economical.

Infrared heating panels CHTK

The infrared panel consists of a metal housing containing a heating element based on a heating wire inside. The heating element heats the front surface of the panel to a temperature no higher than 90 ° C, and the surface begins to emit heat in the infrared long-wave range. The transmitted heat heats objects in the area of action, practically not dissipating in the air, as when heated by the sun or a Russian stove.

One of the most important properties of infrared panels is very small convection currents or their absence, which eliminates cold drafts, turbulent flows of dust particles and, as a result, reduces the likelihood of asthmatic attacks and manifestations of allergies.

Often from sellers, and from manufacturers of household electric heaters, you can hear the phrase: "Our device does not burn oxygen ..." Yes, really modern, and, perhaps, any electric heaters will not be able to "cope" with such an ambitious task. After all, this is a common misconception based on a person's subjective feelings — he simply does not feel comfortable breathing hot air. In fact, with any convective heating, there is a redistribution of air layers — heated air rises to the ceiling, and cold air falls down. And the secret is that a certain volume of hot air contains less water vapor and, accordingly, is lighter than exactly the same volume of cold.

In infrared panels, another principle of heat transfer is used — radiation, so there are practically no convection currents and no stratification of air masses is created. In addition, the weight of our device is just over 6 kg, so the front part of the product heats up in a matter of minutes, which allows you to quickly feel the soft warming heat.

Unscrupulous manufacturers of various "quartz" or "ceramic" IR heating devices weighing from 10 kilograms and above write in their advertisements, most often in the "yellow press", that their product instantly heats up to operating temperatures in seconds. And then, after disconnecting, it gives off the accumulated heat for hours, and this is at low installed electrical capacities of the product of the order of 300-450 watts. It seems that they simply do not know the law of conservation of energy or deliberately "forget" it.

CHTK infrared heating panels are used for local heating in residential, office, medical and industrial premises, as well as to maintain a comfortable temperature in the workplace or in the recreation area at a reduced (below 18 oC) indoor air temperature. The range or heating zone depends on the power and for the INP-285 is up to 2 meters, and for the INP-350 — up to 2.5 meters.

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