The main and significant differences between CHTK mats and heating mats from other manufacturers.


A heated mat is a high—quality, economical and safe heater that will help warm your feet in a cool room or dry wet shoes.

Specially selected temperature heating mode will create a comfortable feeling of warmth and ensure gentle drying of shoes.

  • comfortable surface temperature
  • safety
  • reliability
  • ease of operation
  • mobility and compactness
  • affordable cost of the product

An excellent solution for creating pleasant conditions for work and recreation anywhere and at any time, even at work.

The main and significant differences between CHTK mats and heating mats from other manufacturers.

In the construction of the CHTK mat, a specially designed reliable and tested double-insulated wire is used, as well as a specially developed technology for assembling a heating element based on this wire that excludes the occurrence of the so-called thermal zebra. This makes it possible to exclude overheating even in case of accidental "cluttering" of the mat surface with coatings (appropriate long-term tests were carried out).

The following results were obtained during the design and testing of the heated floor mats - the heating rate to the optimum temperature of 38 degrees Celsius is 10 minutes (at a floor temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and an ambient temperature of 23 degrees Celsius). However, it feels like a comfortable feeling of warmth comes within 5 minutes after switching on (when sitting in the office on porcelain stoneware in light shoes);

The CHTK company manufactures mats in two colors - gray and green or in their combinations (on request: one side is gray, the other is green).

The optimal temperature of 38 degrees Celsius is automatically maintained constant when the CHTK mat is used for its intended purpose - drying shoes, heating feet (provided that there are no unacceptable additional shelters on the mat and the floor temperature is 20 degrees Celsius.

Equally important is the durability of the product, which consists of the durability of the heating element and carpet. The carpet in the CHTK mats is double-layered and wear-resistant, interconnected by the method of overlaying with a high-quality double cabled thread. For example, the carpet of Chinese rugs is nothing more than an exhibition carpet with a very short service life (I have studied this rug) sewn together with a braid edging, which is easy to tear off even accidentally tripping. In addition, the heating element of most heating mats is an IR film, which does not allow bending the mat, walking and standing on the mat - there is a violation of the construction of carbon tracks, followed by sparking and burning of the tracks (this is extremely flammable). Therefore, it is recommended to lay the film only on and under hard coatings. In addition, cases of overheating and burning of terminals from the film are not uncommon (due to poor contact of the crimping clip to the film - technological/ human factor).

The heating element in the composition of the heated mat CHTK was tested with a static load of 150 kg. (with simulated pressure by human feet) with the mat turned on for 168 hours, the mat remained functional, then the mat was disassembled and tested on a high-voltage installation for insulation breakdown (test voltage 3 kV) - the heating element passed the test.

The worst thing about low-quality mats is that the IR film heats the mat to temperatures unacceptable for drying shoes and heating feet - 45-50 degrees Celsius, and the temperature limiter (if provided by the design of the mat) is configured to turn off heating only at a temperature of 65 degrees Celsius. What will happen to raw shoes at a drying temperature of 50-65 degrees Celsius and when the feet are heated on such a carpet? Shoes can be damaged, and a person will not be able to endure this temperature (again, we conducted appropriate tests and experimentally selected the optimal temperature - 38 degrees Celsius).


1. To ensure safe operation in terms of electrical safety and fire safety, it is better not to buy mats using IR film at all and not to use such; 2. In terms of service life - there are big doubts about the working time of most cheap mats for a period of 12 months (with this combination - bad carpet + IR film). Accordingly, there will be failures of the product;

3. In terms of the optimal temperature for human health and for drying shoes, the quality of assembly and packaging, the combination of price/ quality, as well as reliability, the heated mats produced by CHTK are undoubtedly the best of all heating mats with IR film produced in Russia and China.

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The CHTK soil heating system is an ideal gardener's assistant.
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The order of installation of the heating mat CHTK.