
The heating section for soil heating systems is designed to heat the soil in greenhouses and greenhouses in order to obtain an early harvest and prolong the growing season of plants from early spring to late autumn.

The CHTK soil heating system is an ideal gardener's assistant.

In addition, soil heating facilitates the process of growing heat-loving plants and is used during seed germination and early seedling preparation.

The heating system of the CIS brand consists of a heating cable, a cord with a plug and a built-in thermostat.

CNGT ground heating system from the CHTK company

In addition, soil heating facilitates the process of growing heat-loving plants and is used during seed germination and early seedling preparation.

The CNGT brand heating system consists of a heating cable, a cord with a plug and a built-in thermostat.

Economically, the built-in thermostat, with a temperature range from +18 to +24 ° C, automatically turns on and off the system, regulating electricity consumption. Conveniently, the heating system for heating the soil in greenhouses works without human intervention, requiring only checking the presence of voltage in the mains ~ 220V before the start of the season and timely activation of the input machine.



The CHTK soil heating system is an ideal gardener's assistant.The heating sections with a built-in thermostat in the experimental greenhouse of the CHK were switched on on 13.03.2019 at a ground temperature of +3 degrees Celsius in the greenhouse and at an ambient temperature of minus 7.0 degrees Celsius. And on 15.03.2019, when the ground temperature rose to +11 degrees Celsius, greenery was sown. Tomato seedlings were planted on 08.04.2019 at a ground temperature of +18 degrees Celsius in a greenhouse. Since mid-May, when the temperature in the greenhouse has already begun to be maintained by solar heating, the sections have stopped turning on (the built-in thermostat is in standby mode - electricity consumption has stopped). In autumn, when the ground temperature drops to +18 degrees, the built-in sealed thermostat will automatically turn on the heating sections to maintain a comfortable temperature. And it will be possible to extend the agricultural season until late autumn.

The CHTK soil heating system is an ideal gardener's assistant.

Tomatoes in the CHTK greenhouse continue to gain weight and form new ovaries. Thanks to the heating of the soil, which is turned on by the built-in thermostat when the soil temperature drops to +18 degrees Celsius, tomatoes can be harvested in October. Also, this system protects your plants from sudden frosts.

The CHTK soil heating system is an ideal gardener's assistant.

CNGT heating systems are designed with an optimal power of 100 W/m2, necessary for the maintenance and development of the root system of plants, subject to the recommendations for the selection and installation of the section.

The time to reach the optimal temperatures of the heated ground may vary depending on the region and its characteristic temperatures, as well as the type of greenhouse shelter used by you. The efficiency of the system will significantly increase if thermal insulation is used at the time of laying the section. For the possibility of early sowing and planting crops in the greenhouse, it is necessary to install a CHTK soil heating system in advance - before the start of the agricultural season.

The CHTK soil heating system is an ideal gardener's assistant.

Have a good harvest!

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