
Video: installation of a heating mat under a tile

The video instruction will help you install a heating mat under a tile yourself, with your own hands.

Laying a heating mat under tiles in 6 steps:

1. Measuring the heating area

The first step in laying a heating mat under tiles is measuring the area. To do this, step back from the wall about 100 millimeters and place the mat on the area that needs to be heated. We recommend not to heat floors where there will be stationary furniture: wardrobes, bedside tables, chests of drawers, etc. This area must be excluded from the heating area. Measure the resulting area. Let's assume the measured area was 5 square meters. Select a heating mat based on the required installation area.

→ choose heating mats under tiles

2. Determining the location for the thermostat

Prepare a hole in the wall for the wall box. The thermostat will be installed here in the future. It is best to choose a place next to the socket at a distance of at least 50 millimeters. Then make a groove - a chase, with a cross-section of 20 by 20 millimeters towards the floor.

→ choose Thermostats

3. Positioning the mat on the floor

Clean the floor from dirt. Position the heating mat on the area marked for heating, fixing it to the floor, for example, with a glue gun. It is best to start laying the heating mat by laying the so-called cold end of the power cable, which is laid in the chase and brought out to the floor. Place the heating mat on the heated area, cutting the glass mesh if necessary to rotate the mat in the desired direction. Be careful not to damage the heating cable.

4. Creating a groove for the thermostat

Place the corrugated pipe for the temperature sensor in the groove. Plug the end of the pipe and fix it. Run the temperature sensor into the corrugated pipe. Next, use a tester to check for conductivity between the heating core and the grounding protective conductor. Measure the resistance of the heating section; it should correspond to the values specified in the passport. Write the obtained value in the passport. Draw a diagram of how to lay the heating mat in the passport.

5. Laying tiles on a heating mat

Apply 5-10 mm of tile adhesive directly onto the mat and lay the floor tiles. Use a tester to check the resistance of the heating section, the absence of conductivity between the heating core and the protective earth conductor, and the resistance of the temperature sensor.

6. Connecting the thermostat. Checking.

Install the thermostat in the socket box, connecting the necessary wiring to it. Turn on the thermostat and check the system's functionality.



We will help you choose, buy and install a heating mat:

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